How to make your macbook a wifi hotspot

Oct 11, 2019 · Create a Wi-Fi network If you have Internet service at your location, you can connect an AirPort base station or a third-party router to your modem to create a Wi-Fi network. Use the setup guide for your AirPort base station, or check your third-party router's manual for help. * If you don't see the Wi-Fi icon in the menu bar, you can add it back.

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Sep 06, 2019 · MikroTik IPSec Tunnel with DDNS and NAT This guide describes the following situation: VPN site-to-site tunnel using IPSec setup is created in MikroTik routers between two private networks: and Both private networks use MikroTik router as a gateway Each MikroTik Read more…

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VPN is essentially IPSec, and is established on layer 3. TCP, UDP and all other transport protocols are running transparently over VPN.